FlashPlayer 22的启动参数处理流程示意如下:
v63 = hInstance; v4 = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"); v5 = GetProcAddress(v4, "SetDllDirectoryA"); v6 = 0; if ( v5 ) ((void (__stdcall *)(char *))v5)(byte_D44471); v7 = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"); v8 = GetProcAddress(v7, "SetDefaultDllDirectories"); if ( v8 ) ((void (__stdcall *)(signed int))v8)(2048); sub_41CC51(); // <- new codes are inserted here v9 = GetCommandLineA(); v10 = v9; v11 = *v9; if ( v11 != '"' ) { if ( (unsigned __int8)v11 > 0x20u ) { do ++v10; while ( *v10 > 0x20u ); } goto LABEL_15; } do ++v10; while ( *v10 != 34 && *v10 ); if ( *v10 != '"' ) goto LABEL_15;
sub_41D360(); GetModuleFileNameW(0, &Filename, 0x104u); wcscpy_s(&Dst, 0x104u, &Filename); v9 = wcsrchr(&Dst, 0x5Cu); if ( v9 ) *v9 = 0; v10 = wcsrchr(&Filename, 0x5Cu); wcscpy_s(&v82, 0x104u, v10 + 1); v11 = GetCommandLineW(); v66 = CommandLineToArgvW(v11, &pNumArgs); memset(&v86, 0, 0x208u); for ( i = 1; i < pNumArgs; ++i ) { if ( wcsstr(v66[i], L"-relaunched") ) v68 = 1; } if ( sub_41D705(&Dst) ) // check dll { uExitCode = 0; if ( v68 ) { MessageBoxW(0, L"Dll's are not allowed next to the Standalone Player", L"Error", 0); } else if ( sub_41CD97(&NewFileName, (int)&v82) )// create temp directory { v13 = 1; if ( CopyFileW(&Filename, &NewFileName, 1) ) { if ( pNumArgs > 1 ) { do { wcscat_s(&v86, 0x104u, v66[v13]); if ( v13 < pNumArgs ) wcscat_s(&v86, 0x104u, L" "); ++v13; } while ( v13 < pNumArgs ); } wcscat_s(&v86, 0x104u, L"-relaunched"); if ( !sub_41D779(&NewFileName, (int)&v86, 0) ) uExitCode = 1; wcscpy_s(&PathName, 0x104u, &NewFileName); v14 = wcsrchr(&PathName, 0x5Cu); if ( v14 ) *v14 = 0; DeleteFileW(&NewFileName); RemoveDirectoryW(&PathName); } else { uExitCode = 1; } } else { uExitCode = 1; } ExitProcess(uExitCode); } v15 = GetCommandLineA();
"C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\{F0CF3F41-B0CC-44A3-B59F-EA1D57B9DF7C}\FlashPlayer.exe" -relaunched